2017, Aug. 31 (Thursday) From this day, we only have three days left for our stay here in bangkok. Sad to say, that this is the last day we meet the PNRU squad who takes good care of us from the very beginning. This is actually the second part of our farewell party yesterday. This is the Cultural Exchange Program wherein we are highly appreciated to render a cultural performances from our own land. We, the team Philippines, Lloyd and Kath from SLU, featured the song of the Asia's Songbird Regine Velasquez entitled "Isang Lahi". But first, we explained to them that Filipinos are fanatics of singing even their voices are not good. So ridiculous anyways. Then we also featured the trending game in Pinas the "Pak Ganern!" of Vice Ganda. We played it altogether and I think all of us enjoyed the game and have fun. Not only the students played but also the PNRU teachers participated in playing. Indonesian people showcased a dance performance about the diversity of I...