AJA AJARN! #Passionate

2017, Aug. 23 (Wednesday)
Pre demo is done! Thanks God!

"Teach with your mind, heart, and soul"

This day I realized, another wonderful thing to myself. If you really love what you are doing, then even how hard it is, you work hard for it and end it up successfully for the sake of many. I can't say that teaching is easy. No. This is the noblest profession and I'm mindful with that. It's hard anyways exerting alot of efforts everyday in school to teach and molding your students to be a better one at a time. But you know what? the great feeling for being in this field is that, at the end of the day, you know to yourself that you did something great in the best that you can for your students to learn something new from you that they can bring forever.
In this kind of classroom setting, I'm having a trouble in terms of communication to my students. Yes, they know what English language is. But the hard thing in this scenario is that, they can't understand English and could'nt even speak up. I'm not about to criticized them, though I'm being challenged with them. As a teacher you must me flexible enough in every circumstances that you might be facing of. I handled the Grade 11 English class of my mentor Ajarn Kiaw today. I taught them about Affirmative and Negative Affirmative for two hours. At first I got their sympathy to me as their teacher by introducing myself and anything about me. Just like a casual talk between the class and then after that I started the class proper. It's hard for me because ajarn Kiaw is so busy that's why I really need to managed the whole class by my own. For them to understand the topic much better, I let them to play the game through jumbled words and arrange it to form a sentence based on the images I gave.
I thought, they didn't understand the way I teach them but thanks God! I made it because they made it! The result of the evaluation that I made is very good. They got a high score from it. What a wonderful feeling! My pre-demo was successful!
By evening we invited to a meeting dinner together with the KTCM staff. We met the different faces in the school. We tasted also the different specialties of Thai foods. Then they invited us to sing that's why I sung a tagalog song entitled "Ikaw" by Yeng Constantino. They appreciate it so much even they don't understand the lyrics ,so funny! They did not understand it but they just love the beat of the song.
With this, I boosts my confidence in singing even I'm not used to it. So happy!
I think, It's not good enough but one thing is for sure I'm ready enough to face ny final demo for evaluation on friday. I trusts HIM so much so I can make this! Aja! Fighting!


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