2017, Aug. 28 (Monday)
Grand Finale!
Final demo for real!

"Teacher can teach anything and changes everything."

This is what I actually realized during my final demonstration today. Yes. Teacher must be knowledgeable enough so that he is able to teach, to teach and apply what he already knows and must be an inspiration to influence the mind and heart of many so that he is able to change everything through his dedication, passion, and commitment that no one knows when and where it will stops.
I expected to teach by the afternoon but it was suddenly changed that's why I moved on the morning session for my evaluation. That sudden changed made me felt so nervous specially when Dr. Wilai, my supervisor from PNRU arrived. By 9am, I started to teach with my Accounting class under the advisory of my mentor Ajarn Kiaw. The topic for my final demo is all about Grammar: Simple Present of Have.
This SEAMEO program is such a great program for the students like me, for us to experience something new. New faces, environment, behavior, attitude, culture and tradition of other people, new situation, new educational setting, and new students. This was actually the real story of your field as a student teacher. My situation here in KTCM has really a big disparity among the standard universities that I expected. At the very beginning, I already knew that this calling is not an easy one, it was very challenging instead. I assigned to a vocational school wherein students are not those academically inclined that's why you need to push them up to be inspired by learning through your teaching with a heart of course, and that's what I actually did for my stay here.
This day is very memorable for me because I experienced embarassment for real. On my first class, while I'm teaching, one of my students stood up and told me that my skirt is unzipped. OMG! I felt so ashamed because it was actually my evaluation and it was unexpected. The evaluators just smiled at me and by somehow I handled the situation smoothly by giving a game to my students for that moment. It was actually okay and that's normal so no worries with that. While on my second class, one of my students is being teased by his classmates because he is so tubby and having a big belly. While I was writing on the board, one of the students named Bob punched the chubby boy on his stomach and they've quarrel that's why I need to do something to stop them. I separated them first to avoid disturbance of the class and right after the class I talked to them and made them friends again. And on my third class, my students were so naughty that's why I need to be brave to showcase that even I'm not their teacher, Im still the superior that's why I set the rules.
My voice is actually my foundation from this moment. Actually my throat is aching but I'm still fine. What matters most is that I did my best to learn my students today not only by the books nor words but through heart. And all of this  is actually worthy when Dr. Wilai my supervisor told me the magic word "VERY GOOD AILIEN!" And yes! It's a job well done.
My experience here in this program will not just a memories to be cherished through times but a lesson for me to face the success of my future in the field of teaching not only for myself but for all, who needs my service indeed, it's my forever commitment.

And for this tireful day, we have took a food trip in our dormitory together with my room mates Khairin and Mamping for our dinner.

Thanks God! I owe you everything...
Surely, I will miss this and I will be back here soon. No goodbyes! Truly, See you again soon...

I'm just holding back my tears...
Coz I do wanna go back home for the meantime how I wish...


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