2017, Aug.17 (Thursday)

As usual, in the morning, we attended the flag ceremony at the KTCM hall with other teachers in the school.

In the morning, class observation  and culture sharing with my Grade 11 Mechanical Drafting students together with my department coordinator Ajarn Fern and also with the other Thai interns. I actually shared to them about the Philippine culture in terms of the beautiful places, the history of the Philippines and it's independence, food, and some tagalog terms.  It's so fun to be with them that time even we can't understand each other that much but the feeling is just mutual. They also shared the thai culture and taught me some thai words and it's really hard to get and to say it but I just follow them and it seems so funny on my side because it has a funny sounds in tagalog that made me laugh so much. We treat each other as a real family. They always took me snacks or some food in my office.
In the afternoon session, Lloyd and I observed Ajarn Chan's Grade 10 class about the lesson of Standard Parts of Mechanics.
Students are not really active in class that's why it's quiet disappointing on my part. Actually the normal number of class should be 15 but most of the time you're lucky if you have five or eight students attending your class. And most of them is just sleeping and doing non-sense things just like playing games on their phones and the teacher is just letting them to do whatever they want. I'm being insulted with that on my part as one of the observers. You know what, I want to wake them up and then tell them that this is a school a place for you to learn and not bed room for them to sleep ugh!
Maybe because they are in a technical and vocational college that's why they are not academically inclined. Students are not able to speak English and the teacher as well because they do not let themselves to learn English. They do not go outside their comfort zone and in terms of teaching they must use English but they don't practice it. By the other day, I'm pretty sure that if I'm going to handle them, I will never let them do their habit in class as in no way!

PS. I'm not being judgemental, I'm just my sentiment...


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