2017, Aug. 25 (Friday)

"Teacher takes a hand, opens the mind, and touches the heart."

Teacher is not just a teacher. Teacher will forever be a teacher. In this field of profession, you must breed the passion, commitment, love, and patient for you to be able to inspired and influence your students towards learning. Your not just merely focusing on the book itself, but you have to be departed in one's life. Indeed, this was actually the thing that I realized today for my 5-hour straight teaching today. That even how hard the situation is, teacher must always be modifiable.
Another thing is that, always look on the side that students are diverse. Yes, every students can learn but not in the same way that you wanted to just like the other. You must respect individual differences for the betterment of all.
Today, I expected that this would be my final demo but unfortunately, it was moved on monday for a major reason. At first, I want to end it up already so that I can be evaluated and can go back to my place after this program. But as the time passed by, I realized that I already enjoying my stay here and get off myself in teaching already. The flame of eagerness that burns my heart also makes me to be capable enough to face my students everyday.
This time, I took care with my two classes the Level 1 Automotives and Level 2 Mechanical Drafting. Honestly, I find it difficult in teaching the automotive class because they are all boys and no seems to listen. They tend to sleep and use their phones in class. But you know the best feeling for me? My effort worked. I did to motivate them and able to woke up the sleepy. It's really hard and I'm quite scared because they are tech. voc. students. Others are actually older than me. around 24 years old. And they are actually many with 35 students. They are quite naughty and I just keep on warning them to stop and they said "teacher are you angry" then I just suddenly smiled at them but deep inside it was so funny back then. They are active in class even the'y can't speak English well. I don't know even they speak in Thai I can understand them, maybe because I'm trying to be connected not only by mind but through heart as well. And yet they don't speak often but during the evaluation they know what to do and they understand it already.
And to my drafting class they learned faster and I'm so impress because they read fluently. I taught both of the class with similar topic. I started 8 in the morning and I end my class by 12:30 and my voice is frankly painfuk that time because I believe that your voice can make a big help while teaching.
I made it again! Thanks Lord.
We had our lunch with our mentor Ajarn Nut and he treated us for the food. It somewhat added to my day as a part of my
 memories here in KTCM.

Few days left, I'm gonna miss my beloved students. Just holding back my tears.



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